
class jinjaapidoc.ext.ModDocstringDocumenter(*args)[source]

Bases: sphinx.ext.autodoc.ModuleDocumenter

A documenter for modules which only inserts the docstring of the module.


x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature


__init__(*args) x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
add_content(more_content[, no_docstring]) Add content from docstrings, attribute documentation and user.
add_directive_header(sig) Add the directive header and options to the generated content.
add_line(line, source, *lineno) Append one line of generated reST to the output.
can_document_member(member, membername, …) Called to see if a member can be documented by this documenter.
check_module() Check if self.object is really defined in the module given by self.modname.
document_members([all_members]) Generate reST for member documentation.
filter_members(members, want_all) Filter the given member list.
format_args() Format the argument signature of self.object.
format_name() Format the name of self.object.
format_signature() Format the signature (arguments and return annotation) of the object.
generate([more_content, real_modname, …]) Generate reST for the object given by self.name, and possibly for its members.
get_attr(obj, name, *defargs) getattr() override for types such as Zope interfaces.
get_doc([encoding, ignore]) Decode and return lines of the docstring(s) for the object.
get_object_members(want_all) Return (members_check_module, members) where members is a list of (membername, member) pairs of the members of self.object.
get_real_modname() Get the real module name of an object to document.
import_object() Import the object given by self.modname and self.objpath and set it as self.object.
parse_name() Determine what module to import and what attribute to document.
process_doc(docstrings) Let the user process the docstrings before adding them.
resolve_name(modname, parents, path, base) Resolve the module and name of the object to document given by the arguments and the current module/class.


documenters Returns registered Documenter classes
objtype = 'moddoconly'
content_indent = ''

Add the directive header and options to the generated content.


Generate reST for member documentation.

If all_members is True, do all members, else those given by self.options.members.