Jinjaapidoc Documentation¶
Sphinx API Doc with Jinja2 templates
The full documentation is at http://jinjaapidoc.rtfd.org.
- jinjaapidoc is a tool for automatic generation of Sphinx sources that, using the jinja2 template rendering engine, document a whole package in the style of other automatic API documentation tools. It is based of the builtin sphinx apidoc
This documentation itself makes use of the jinjaapidoc package. Check Reference to see the outcome of the default templates. All pages in the reference are automatically generated.
If you have any suggestions or questions about Jinja Api Documentation feel free to email me at zuber.david@gmx.de.
If you encounter any errors or problems with Jinja Api Documentation, please let me know! Open an Issue at the GitHub https://github.com/storax/jinjaapidoc main repository.