Source code for jinjaapidoc.ext

"""This module contains content related to sphinx extensions."""
from sphinx.ext import autodoc

[docs]class ModDocstringDocumenter(autodoc.ModuleDocumenter): """A documenter for modules which only inserts the docstring of the module.""" objtype = "moddoconly" # do not indent the content content_indent = "" # do not add a header to the docstring
[docs] def add_directive_header(self, sig): """Add the directive header and options to the generated content.""" domain = getattr(self, 'domain', 'py') directive = getattr(self, 'directivetype', "module") name = self.format_name() self.add_line(u'.. %s:%s:: %s%s' % (domain, directive, name, sig), '<autodoc>') if self.options.noindex: self.add_line(u' :noindex:', '<autodoc>') if self.objpath: # Be explicit about the module, this is necessary since .. class:: # etc. don't support a prepended module name self.add_line(u' :module: %s' % self.modname, '<autodoc>')
[docs] def document_members(self, all_members=False): pass